Our Features

You have to setup this section at Customizer > Homepage Sections > Features Section and add features by clicking on Add or edit features.
To disable this message go to Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.


This is description field for the Services section. You have to setup this section at Customizer > Homepage Sections > Services Section.

You have to setup this section at Customizer > Homepage Sections > Services Section and add service option by clicking on Add or edit Service boxes.
To disable this message go to Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.

Our Team

This is description field for the Team section. You have to setup this section at Customizer > Homepage Sections > Team Section.

You have to setup this section at Customizer > Homepage Sections > Team Section and add teams by clicking on Add or edit members.
To disable this message go to Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.


This is description feild for the Portfolio section. Portfolio content will appear from the Portfolio custom post type post. You can find Portfolio settings at Customizer > Homepage Sections > Portfolio Section.

You have to install & activate Jetpack plugin and enable the Portfolio custom post type module to use this section. Portfolio will appear here once you activate the plugin.
To disable this message go to Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.

Call to Action

You have to setup this section at Customizer > Homepage Sections > Call to Action Section and add items by clicking on Add or edit actions.


You have to setup this section at Customizer > Homepage Sections > Testimonials Section and add testimonials by clicking on Add or edit testimonials.
To disable this message go to Customizer > Settings > Extensions > Disable helpers/placeholders.